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How do you say " Enfiar a faca" in English ?

RIP OFF(colloquial) to charge too much for something, to overcharge [cobrar a mais, “roubar”, “enfiar a faca”]
  • “I will never go back to that French restaurant. Last time I went there with Nancy for dinner, we were ripped off”, Mitch told Jim.
  • “Nunca mais volto àquele restaurante francês. Da última vez que fui lá com Nancy, nós fomos roubados”, Mitch contou a Jim.
  • “Beware of shrewd businessmen who try to rip off foreigners just because they don’t know how much things cost there”, Joel told his friend Dave.
  • “Cuidado com comerciantes sem escrúpulos que tentam roubar os estrangeiros apenas porque estes não sabem quanto as coisas custam por ali”, Joel disse a seu amigo Dave.

noun form: rip-off [“roubo”]
  • “Five dollars for a cup of coffee? That’s a rip-off!”, Jim told the coffee-shop clerk.
  • “Cinco dólares por um café? Isso é um roubo!”, Jim disse ao atendente da lanchonete.


False Friends

False Friends - A and B

Actual - real, verdadeiroatual - current
Actually - na verdade, de fatoatualmente - currently, nowadays
Adept - perito, profundo conhecedoradepto - follower, supporter
Advert - notar
advertir - to warn, to advise
Agenda - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões
agenda - organizer, diary
Alias – nome falso, cognato
aliás - else, moreover, furthermore/ besides / by the way
Alms - esmola
almas - souls
Alumnus – aluno já formado
aluno - student, pupil
Amass – acumular, juntar
amassar - to crush
Anthem – hino
antena - aerial, antenna / antena parabólica - satellite dish
Anticipate - prever; preceder
antecipar (adiantar) - to advance, to move forward
Antique – objeto de arte antigo, antiguidade
antigo - old, ancient
Apologize – desculpar-se
apologizar (fazer apologia) - to make defense
Apparel – vestuário em geral
aparelho - equipment, apparatus / device/ machine / braces (aparelho ortodôntico)


She was refined in her choice of apparel.
(Ela tinha bom gosto na escolha de seu vestuário.)
Application - inscrição, registro, uso
aplicação (investir dinheiro)- to invest money
Appoint – nomear, marcar, designar
apontar (para alguém ou alguma coisa) - to point to, to point at
Appointment - compromisso profissional
apontamento (observação) - note
Assist - ajudar, dar assistência
assistir (ver, olhar) - to watch
Assume - presumir, supor
assumir - to undertake, to take over
Attend - assistir, participar de
atender (a telefone, porta ou campainha)- to answer the telephone, the door, the door-bell
Available – válido, disponível
avaliável - ratable
Avocado – abacate
advogado - lawyer

Balcony - sacada, varanda suspensa
balcão - counter
The legendary balcony where Juliet Capulet is said to have pined for Romeo is one of the most visited sites in Italy.

Barracks – caserna, quartel
barraca - tent
Beef - carne bovina
bife - steak
Bond – elo, vínculo, apólice
bonde - streetcar, trolley car (USA), cable car, tram
Brand – marca
brando - tender, soft, mild, temperate

How do you say " Vivendo e aprendendo" in English ?

O equivalente da expressão “vivendo e aprendendo” não é, em geral, usado no gerúndio. Portanto, em inglês, prefira dizer “LIVE AND LEARN”. Confira os exemplos abaixo.

As the chairman has said, he made some missteps in a few media appearances. Live and learn. (CNN)
Como disse o presidente, ele deu alguns passos em falso quando apareceu na mídia. Vivendo e aprendendo.

But who knows anything at 19 ? So you just live and learn, and grow, and try to get on with your life.
Mas quem é que sabe das coisas aos 19 anos? Então você vai vivendo e aprendendo, e vai tocando sua vida.

See you !!


Tough, though, thought, through, thorough and throughout !!??!!

Tough, though, thought, through, thorough and throughout !  My God !! please help me !

Ficou confuso com o título deste post?  Não deveria, pois a única coisa que une essas palavras é a semelhança ortográfica. Depois de ler as explicações abaixo, garanto que você não terá mais dúvidas. Meu objetivo é apenas fazer uma breve comparação entre eles. Lembre-se que as vezes o British and American English sofrerá uma pequena mudança na pronúncia.


O adjetivo “TOUGH” quer dizer “duro”, “difícil”, “complicado”, “forte”, “ameaçador” etc. O “gh” final é pronunciado como o “gh” em “ENOUGH”, ou seja, com o som da letra “F”.
  • Age 57, is known as a tough negotiator. (CNN)
  • Aos 57 anos de idade, ele tem a reputação de ser um negociador implacável.


“THOUGH” pode ser conjunção ou advérbio. As alternativas de tradução para português são “embora”, “no entanto”, “entretanto”, “apesar de” etc. O som do “TH” é o mesmo de “THEY”, “THAT” e “THOSE”. O “GH” final é mudo.
  • Obama hails new Iraqi government as “‘milestone”, though challenges remain. (USA Today)
  • Obama exalta o novo governo do Iraque como um “marco”, muito embora os desafios ainda estejam presentes.


A palavra “THOUGHT” pode ser tanto um substantivo, cuja tradução é “pensamento”, quanto o passado e o particípio passado do verbo “THINK”, cujas traduções podem ser “pensar”, “refletir”, “achar”, “ter opinião”, entre outras. O som do “TH” é idêntico ao de “THANK”, “THOUSAND” e “THUNDER”.
  • I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.
  • Pensei um pensamento, mas o pensamento que pensei não foi o pensamento que pensei ter pensado.


O adjetivo “THOROUGH” quer dizer “completo”, “abrangente”, “detalhado”, “cuidadoso”, entre outras acepções. Para pronunciar corretamente o “TH” inicial, coloque a língua entre os dentes e deixe o ar passar praticamente sem emitir som nenhum, falando como se você tivesse a língua presa. O “GH” final também é mudo, como em “THROUGH”. 
  • However, the facts must first be established through a thorough investigation.(The Wall Street Journal)
  • No entanto, os fatos devem ser primeiro determinados por meio de uma investigação minuciosa.


O último terma de nossa lista é um advérbio. As sugestões de tradução são “por completo”, “por inteiro”, “em sua totalidade” etc. O “TH” inicial é também pronunciado como em “THOROUGH”, “THINK” e “THANK”.
  • And then, of course, there are bookstores — about 25 of them scattered throughout the airport. (Chicago Tribune)
  • E depois, é claro, existem as livrarias — cerca de 25 espalhadas por todo o aeroporto.


Você se sente ofendido se alguém lhe convida para um barbie? Não entende quando alguém lhe oferece uma coldie? Se você acha que já domina o inglês e tirou nota 10 no último exame da sua escola , então é hora de conhecer o inglês australiano !  ;-)

If someone invites you to a 'barbie', they are inviting you to A BARBECUE.

If someone offers you 'a tinny', they are offering you A CAN OF BEER.

If someone tells you to 'ava good weegend', they mean HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND.

If someone asks you what you are doing this 'arvo', they want to know what you are doing THIS AFTERNOON.

If somene offers you 'a cuppa', they are offering you A CUP OF TEA.

If someone tells you to 'take a load off', they mean SIT DOWN.

If someone asks you what you are doing 'in the hols', they mean what are you doing DURING THE HOLIDAYS.

If someone invites you for a 'bucks party', they are inviting you for A SOCIAL GATHERING ONLY FOR MEN.

 Let´s see: 



DAVID: G´day mate, nice looking barbie yu´ve got there, pity you cook like a man with two broken arms!

GARRY: Stop Flapping´ya gums and get me a coldie, will ya. I´ll have a bluey, thanks.
DAVID: A bluey??! Mate, you need your head read, if you had´arf a brain it´d be lonely - ´ave you turned Mexican or sumthin´?
GARRY: Go bite your bum Davo and give us a hand with the snags, will ya - where´s ya missus?
DAVID: Ah, I don´t know, She´s whipping´up a few sangers over there or sumthin´. Ah geez, these snags look ace - where´s the dead horse?
GARRY: Right here mate - whadya reckon, I think I´ll chuck on a few prawns too. ´Aven´t ya got my tinnie yet? Too busy wrapping you laughing gear around the snag, eh?
DAVID: Doan go crook at me just cos your knickers are in a knot!
GARRY: Sorry mate! - but the ankle biters have been sooking all day - tear arsing around the place like a dog off its lead. I´ve nearly gone´round the twist, mate.
DAVID: Nothing worse than a blubbing rug rat.
GARRY: Yair, you can say that again!
DAVID: Yair - matter of fact you and the Missus should come round next Satdee for a barbie at our place, and don´t forget to knock with your elbows.
GARRY: Ok, mate! Geez, where´s the Aeroguard? These mozzies ud suck blood from stones.
DAVID: Too right!
GARRY: Yair, bloody mongrels!


DAVID: Hello Garry, nice looking barbecue you have, pity you are a dreadful cook.
GARRY: What do you mean? Stop talking and get me a cold beer. I´ll have a Fosters, thanks.
DAVID: A Fosters! You must be mad - do you think you come from Melbourne or somewhere?
GARRY: I´m not talking any notice of you, David, just help me with the sausages - where´s your wife?
DAVID: I don´t know, I think she´s making sandwiches. These sausages look good - where is the tomato sauce?
GARRY: Right here David - I think I´ll cook a few prawns too. Haven´t you got my beer yet? Too busy devouring your sausage?
DAVID: Don´t get angry at me, because you are beginning to get uptight!
GARRY: Sorry David, but the children have been crying and rushing aroung all day. They are driving me bad.
DAVID: Nothing worse than a crying child.
GARRY: I agree wholeheartedly!
DAVID: Yes, matter of fact you and your wife should come over next Saturday for a barbecue at our place and don´t forget to bring plenty of beer.
GARRY: OK, David. Where is the insect repellant? These mosquitos are very persistent.
DAVID: That´s true!
GARRY: Yes, wretched pests!



A tradução de "QUESTION" nem sempre é "questão".

QUESTION = pergunta, questão; dúvida
“Questão” e “pergunta” não são as únicas traduções possíveis para o substantivo “QUESTION”. Este termo pode muitas vezes ser traduzido por “dúvida”, como podemos observar a seguir.
  • Pena said he wanted to redefine the mission of the FAA so that there would be no questions concerning the agency’s priorities. (CNN)
  • Pena disse que gostaria de redefinir a missão da FAA para que não pairassem dúvidas sobre as prioridades do órgão (do governo).
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Os senhores têm alguma dúvida?

Welcome to British English !

There are certainly many more varieties of English, American and British. Generally, it is agreed that no one version is "correct" however, there are certainly preferences in use. The most important rule of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage. If you decide that you want to use American English spellings then be consistent in your spelling (i.e. The color of the orange is also its flavour - color is American spelling and flavour is British), this is of course not always easy - or possible. The following guide is meant to point out the principal differences between these two varieties of English.

In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past that has an effect on the present moment. For example:
I've lost my key. Can you help me look for it?
In American English the following is also possible:
I lost my key.
Can you help me look for it?
In British English the above would be considered incorrect. However, both forms are generally accepted in standard American English. Other differences involving the use of the present perfect in British English and simple past in American English include already, just and yet.
British English:
I've just had lunch
I've already seen that film
Have you finished your homework yet?
American English:
I just had lunch OR I've just had lunch
I've already seen that film OR I already saw that film.
Have your finished your homework yet? OR Did you finish your homework yet?
There are two forms to express possession in English. Have or Have got
Do you have a car?
Have you got a car?
He hasn't got any friends.
He doesn't have any friends.
She has a beautiful new home.
She's got a beautiful new home.
While both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American English), have got (have you got, he hasn't got, etc.) is generally the preferred form in British English while most speakers of American English employ the have (do you have, he doesn't have etc.)
There are also a few differences in preposition use including the following:
·                        American English - on the weekend
British English - at the weekend

·                        American English - on a team
British English - in a team

·                        American English - please write me soon
British English - please write to me soon
Past Simple/Past Participles
The following verbs have two acceptable forms of the past simple/past participle in both American and British English, however, the irregular form is generally more common in British English (the first form of the two) and the regular form is more common to American English.
·                        Burn
Burnt OR burned

·                        Dream
dreamt OR dreamed

·                        Lean
leant OR leaned

·                        Learn
learnt OR learned

·                        Smell
smelt OR smelled

·                        Spell
spelt OR spelled