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Idioms - Second Part

     Off we go, again! Most of the times to be considered a native speaker you should know how to use the language idioms. And here are some, so enjoy them and learn even more!

Idioms with “and”.

Odds and sods. (UK)
Bugigangas, coisas pequenas de pouco valor.
My wardrobe is full of odds and sods.
The ins and outs.
Detalhes completos, macetes.
She really understands the ins and outs of this subject.
To um and ah.
Hesitar, vacilar, ficar indeciso.
He ummed and ahed for two months before accepting.
Good and…
Muito, bem.
My tea is good and sweet.
Bangers and mash (UK)
Salsicha ou linguiça com purê de batata.
Let’s have some bangers and mash for lunch.
Go and jump in the lake!
Cai fora! Vá plantar batatas!
Please, go and jump in the lake!
Life and soul of the party.
Pessoa muito animada, alegre, divertida em eventos sociais; alma da festa.
My friend Giovana is really life and soul of the party.


Idioms - First Part

     Most of the times to be considered a native speaker you should know how to use the language idioms. And here are some, so enjoy them and learn even more!

To make tracks.
Ir embora.
It’s getting late. We’d better make tracks to the bus station.
To lick somebody’s boots.
Bajular, puxar saco.
I refuse to go licking her boots.
Up the creek without a paddle.
Em apuros, dificuldades.
If I don’t get my wage this week I’m gonna be up the creek without a paddle.
To nip something in the bud.
Lidar com algum problema ou situação difícil logo no início.
She needed to nip that problem in the bud.
To cut / give somebody some slack.
Pegar leve com alguém.
Cut him some slack, he’s new here.
To call a spade a spade.
Dar nomes aos bois.
She really harsh sometimes, she always calls a spade a spade.
To flip your lid.
Ficar furioso.
My mom always flips her lid when I don’t do my chores.
On the warpath.
Em pé de Guerra, pronto para a briga.
Be careful! Carey’s on the warpath again.
To be continued…


Phrasal Verb: START UP


1. to switch on a vehicle or machine so that it begins working [ligar, dar partida]
  • Jerry tried to start up his car a few times, but it wouldn’t start. That was when he decided to call a mechanic to check what was going on.
2. to begin a business [iniciar negócio, abrir empresa]
  • David’s father advised him to make a detailed business plan and think it over before starting up his own company.
3. noun form: start-up [empresa nova, iniciante]
  • Even though their company was a start-up, they had met with incredible profits in only their first year.

See you !!


Monica´s Gang

Hey people, did you know that "Turma da Monica" makes a lot of success around the world ?

Yes, they do ! Here are the names in English:


Jimmy Five;



Chuck Billy;

See you people !!!


False Cognates

False cognates or false friends are words in English  that usually come from Latin and have similar or exact spelling in Portuguese but differ in meaning , giving a false idea of its real meaning. There also are the real cognates , which have similar spelling and meaning, ( e.g.  connection = conexão ) but the false cognates are the ones to worry about

Actually (adv) - na verdade , de fato
Agenda (n) -
pauta do dia, pauta para discussões
Amass (v) -
acumular, juntar
Antecipate (v) -
prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa
Application (n) -
inscrição, registro, uso
Appointment (n) -
hora marcada, compromisso profissional
Appreciation (n) -
gratidão, reconhecimento
Argument (n) -
discussão, bate boca
Assist (v) -
ajudar, dar assistência
Assume (v) -
presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro
Attend (v) -
assistir, participar de
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira
College (n) -
Commodity (n) -
artigo, mercadoria
Competition (n) -
Comprehensive (adj) -
abrangente, amplo, extenso
Compromise (v) -
entrar em acordo, fazer concessão
Conceal (v)- esconder
Confident (adj ) - confiante
Contest (n) -
competição, concurso
Convenient (adj) -
Costume (n) -
fantasia (roupa)
Data (n) -
dados (números, informações)
Deception (n) -
logro, fraude, o ato de enganar
Defendant (n) -
réu, acusado
Dependable (adj ) - confiável
Design (v, n) -
projetar, criar; projeto, estilo
Editor (n) -
Educated (adj) -
Expert (n) -
especialista, perito
Exquisite (adj.) -
belo, refinado
Fabric (n) -
Genial (adj) -
afável, aprazível
Graduate program (n) -
Curso de pós-graduação
Gratuity (n) -
gratificação, gorjeta
Grip (v) -
agarrar firme
Hazard (n,v) -
risco, perigo, arriscar
Idiom (n) -
expressão idiomática
Injury (n) - ferimento
Inscription (n) -
gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.)
Intend (v) -
pretender, ter intenção
Intoxication (n) -
embriaguez, efeito de drogas
Journal (n) -
periódico, revista especializada, diário pessoal
Lamp (n) -
lustre, abajur 

See you !

Do you like Irish Coffee ?

Here is one of the most famous drinks in Ireland, delicious !! 

  • 1 jigger Irish whiskey
  • sugar to taste
  • hot black coffee
  • whipped cream, chilled
  1. Pour the whiskey into a warmed mug, cup or stemmed glass. Add sugar and fill with coffee to within 1 1/2 centimeters (1/2 inch) of the top. Stir. Cover the surface with whipped cream.
  2. Variation: Dip the rim of the cup or glass in sugar and do not add sugar to the coffee and whiskey.  

Song: Only Girl In the World


And now, my friend  Rihanna with song and lyrics. 

Enjoy it !

To see the video clip,  just click in the link:


La la la la
La la la la

I want you to love me, like I'm a hot pie
Keep thinkin' of me, doin' what you like   ( thinkin´ =  thinking )

So boy forget about the world cuz it's gon' be me and you tonight   ( cuz = because ) ( gon´be = going to be )
I wanna make your bed for ya, then Imma make you swallow your pride ( wanna = want to ) ( Imma = I-m gonna = I am goin to )

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world...
Like I'm the only one that's in command
Cuz I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one...

Want you to take me like a thief in the night
Hold me like a pillow, make me feel right
Baby I'll tell you all my secrets that I'm keepin', you can come inside
And when you enter, you ain't leavin', be my prisoner for the night ( ain´t = am not / are not / is not / has not / have not )

[BRIDGE] Take me for a ride, ride
Oh baby, take me high, high
Let me make you rise, rise
Oh make it last all night
Take me for a ride, ride
Oh baby, take me high, high
Let me make you rise, rise
Make it last all night

Hope you like !!  
See you people !!

How do you say " tomar posse" in English ?

Tomar posse
  • When is the new mayor going to take office?
  • Quando o novo prefeito vai tomar posse? 
INAUGURATE = tomar posse
OPEN = inaugurar

Não estranhe se ler ou ouvir a palavra “INAUGURATE” quando um novo presidente é empossado. Neste contexto, esse verbo significa “tomar posse”. Tanto isso é verdade que a expressão “INAUGURAL ADDRESS” deve ser traduzida por “discurso de posse”. Embora não seja incorreto usarmos o substantivo “INAUGURATION” para dizermos “inauguração” em inglês, prefira o substantivo “OPENING”.

  • Eva Perón began to play an active role in politics after Juan Perón’s inauguration in 1946.
  • Eva Perón começou a desempenhar um papel ativo na política depois da posse de Juan Perón em 1946.
  • Jefferson was inaugurated on March 4, 1801.
  • Jefferson foi empossado em 4 de março de 1801.
 See you people !!