This is a list of British-English homophones:
- accessary, accessory
- ad, add
- ail, ale
- air, heir
- aisle, I'll, isle
- all, awl
- allowed, aloud
- alms, arms
- altar, alter
- arc, ark
- aren't, aunt
- ate, eight
- auger, augur
- auk, orc
- aural, oral
- away, aweigh
- awe, oar, or, ore
- axel, axle
- aye, eye, I
- bail, bale
- bait, bate
- baize, bays
- bald, bawled
- ball, bawl
- band, banned
- bard, barred
- bare, bear
- bark, barque
- baron, barren
- base, bass
- bay, bey
- bazaar, bizarre
- be, bee
- beach, beech
- bean, been
- beat, beet
- beau, bow
- beer, bier
- bel, bell, belle
- berry, bury
- berth, birth
- bight, bite, byte
- billed, build
- bitten, bittern
- blew, blue
- bloc, block
- boar, bore
- board, bored
- boarder, border
- bold, bowled
- boos, booze
- born, borne
- bough, bow
- boy, buoy
- brae, bray
- braid, brayed
- braise, brays, braze
- brake, break
- bread, bred
- brews, bruise
- bridal, bridle
- broach, brooch
- bur, burr
- but, butt
- buy, by, bye
- buyer, byre
- calendar, calender
- call, caul
- canvas, canvass
- cast, caste
- caster, castor
- caught, court
- caw, core, corps
- cede, seed
- ceiling, sealing
- cell, sell
- censer, censor, sensor
- cent, scent, sent
- cereal, serial
- cheap, cheep
- check, cheque
- choir, quire
- chord, cord
- cite, sight, site
- clack, claque
- clew, clue
- climb, clime
- close, cloze
- coal, kohl
- coarse, course
- coign, coin
- colonel, kernel
- complacent, complaisant
- complement, compliment
- coo, coup
- cops, copse
- council, counsel
- cousin, cozen
- creak, creek
- crews, cruise
- cue, kyu, queue
- curb, kerb
- currant, current
- cymbol, symbol
- dam, damn
- days, daze
- dear, deer
- descent, dissent
- desert, dessert
- deviser, divisor
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