You better call back John, he's called twice already.
CALL FOR = A. demand B. phone call C. require D. pick sme from a certain place
A. There's not much call for refrigerators in the Arctic Circle.
B. Did you call for an appointment?
C. This good news calls for a celebration!
D. He called for her at home but she wasn't there last night.
CALL FORTH = make something happen
The tsunami in Indonesia called forth a great deal of humanitarian aid from around the world.
CALL IN = A. get someone to come and do sth B. short visit
A. We had to call in a plumber because our drain was clogged.
B. The Smith's called in last night and we had a pleasant visit.
CALL OFF = cancel
The reunion was called off because not enough people could attend.
CALL ON = A. visit B. ask a student a question in class
A. We called on the Jones family last Sunday afternoon.
B. The teacher called on Scott who knew the answer, fortunately.
CALL ROUND = visit
I'll call round in the evening if that's ok?
CALL UP = A. summon for military service B. telephone
A. He was called up to active duty when the war broke out.
B. Why don't you call up a friend and see if they want to go to town with us?
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