It's Halloween! It's time to go out and play trick or treat and get as many candies as you can!!
Let's watch terror movies and enjoy this different, interesting and scary date!!
See ya around fellas!!
This blog has been thought out by two English teachers in order to shorten not only the distance between the teachers and students but also to narrow the distance between the student and the language and its cultural, educational and some other aspects. So, get up from your couch and go improving you English, no matter if it's British or American!
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Shakespeare's Curse
LONDON — Fix the gravesite. But don't touch the bones.
That's the work order, in a nutshell, for brave architects contemplating a fix-up job for the deteriorating gravesite of
William Shakespeare inside the Holy Trinity Church in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon.
The illustrious bard is believed by many to have personally penned the threat on a stone marker above his grave.
"Blest be the man that spares these stones," it reads. "And curst be he that moves my bones."
That's all well and good, but the stones above his grave are starting to flake and fall apart. Clergymen have trod on the stones for nearly four centuries, and the foot traffic is taking its inevitable toll.
People who love the church and its place in British literary history want to fix it — provided they can do so without digging up Shakespeare's remains and facing the mysterious threat.
"We're avoiding the curse," said Josephine Walker, a spokeswoman for the Friends of Shakespeare's Church group. "We are not lifting the stones, we are not looking underneath, and the curse is for the bones underneath, so the curse is irrelevant for this work
The planned work on the gravesite, which has not yet been approved by the various agencies that oversee historic sites, is part of a much larger restoration of the church that began two years ago, Walker said.
The group is trying to raise an additional $8 million for the entire project, she said. One of the most urgent tasks is to repair the main nave windows, which are in very poor shape.
"The metal work is eroding and disintegrating," she said. "That's a really big, major job that has to be done, hopefully next year."
At least they don't face a centuries-old curse if they repair the windows. If they get the money and the approvals, they can do the work without worrying about angering the Bard's ghost.
Words Shakespeare Invented
Did you know that Shakespeare invented 1,700 words ?Here are some:
- amazement
- apostrophe
- assassination
- auspicious
- baseless
- bloody
- bump
- castigate
- changeful
- clangor
- control (noun)
- countless
- courtship
- critic
- critical
- dexterously
- dishearten
- dislocate
- dwindle
- eventful
- exposure
Micos em inglês
Esta foto foi tirada em um bairro nobre de São Paulo, no restaurante de um hotel de rede americana. A imagem nos ensina que não devemos ter pressa ao consultarmos o dicionário porque nem sempre a primeira definição é a ideal para todas as situações.
“MANGO” (fruta)
“SLEEVE” (parte da camisa)
“MANGO” (fruta)
“SLEEVE” (parte da camisa)
Expressões Idiomáticas: COLD SHOULDER
OLD SHOULDER[indiferença; desprezo]
- She gave him the cold shoulder.
- Ela o tratou com desprezo.
[a verdade nua e crua; método de curar dependência a drogas, retirando-as abruptamente]
- The cold turkey is that he his a spy.
- A verdade nua e crua é que ele é um espião.
- A cold turkey is supposed to work with most addicts.
- Dizem que o método de tirar drogas abruptamente funciona para a maioria dos drogados.
Silent Letters
A silent letter is a letter that appears in a particular word, but does not correspond to any sound in the word's pronunciation. The bad news is that English has a lot of silent letters, and they create problems for both native and non-native speakers of English, because they make it more difficult to guess the spelling of many spoken words or the pronunciation of many written words.
" Em muitas palavras da língua inglesa a grafia é diferente da pronúncia, algumas letras não são pronunciadas e por isso são chamadas de Silent Letters"
As letras abaixo entre parênteses não são pronunciadas:
1- Clim(b), com(b), dum(b), dou(b)t, de(b)t
2 – Mus(c)le
3 – Han(d)kerchief, san(d)wich, We(d)nesday
4 – Champa(g)ne, forei(g)n, si(g)n
5 – Bou(gh)t, cau(gh)t, ou(gh)t, thou(gh)t, borou(gh), dau(gh)ter, hei(gh)t, hi(gh), li(gh)t, mi(gh)t, nei(gh)bour, ni(gh)t, ri(gh)t, strai(gh)t, throu(gh), ti(gh)t, wei(gh)
6 – (H)onest, (h)onour, (h)our
7 – (K)nee, (k)nife, (k)nob, (k)nock, (k)now (e outras palavras começadas com kn)
8 – Ca(l)m, cou(l)d, ha(l)f, sa(l)mon, shou(l)d, ta(l)k, wa(l)k, wou(l)d
9 – Autum(n), hym(n)
10 – (P)neumatic, (p)sychiatrist, (p)sychology, (p)sychotherapy, (p)terodactyl (e outras palavras começadas com pn, ps ou pt), cu(p)board
11 – I(s)land, i(s)le
12 – Cas(t)le, Chris(t)mas, fas(t)en, lis(t)en, of(t)en, whis(t)le (often também pode ter o t pronunciado )
13 – G(u)arantee, g(u)ard, g(u)errilla, g(u)ess, g(u)est, g(u)ide, g(u)ilt, g(u)itar, g(u)y
14 – (W)rap, (w)rite, (w)rong
15 – (W)ho, (w)hom, (w)hore, (w)hose, (w)hole
16 – W(h)at, w(h)en, w(h)ere, w(h)ether, w(h)ich, w(h)ip, w(h)y
How do you say "Transferir a ligação" in English ?
- Mr. Johnson, could you please hold? I’ll put you through to Mr. Miller who’s dealing with your account.
- Sr. Johnson, o senhor poderia aguardar um momento por favor? Vou passar a ligação para o Sr. Miller, que é o responsável por sua conta.
- “I want today’s youth to know that you have to take control over your own destiny”, Aguilera says. (USA Today)
- “Quero que os jovens de hoje saibam que é preciso controlar seu próprio destino”, afirma Aguilera.
- Nuclear waste train reaches destination. (BBC)
- Trem carregado com lixo atômico chega a seu destino.
- The war against global terrorism is destined for failure, warns Stella Rimington, the former head of Britain’s security service. (BBC)
- A guerra contra o terrorismo internacional está fadada ao fracasso, alerta Stella Rimington, ex- chefe do serviço de segurança britânico.
Phrasal Verbs: SHUT UP
- We could hardly believe when Mary angrily told her husband to shut up in front of all the guests at the party.
- Mal conseguimos acreditar quando Mary, brava, mandou o marido calar a boca na frente de todos os convidados na festa.
- “Could you both shut up? I’m trying to watch this movie!”, Fred told Bill and Dan.
- “Vocês dois poderiam calar a boca? Estou tentando ver este filme!”, Fred disse a Bill e Dan.
American X British English
![]() | American | British |
acostamento (de estrada) advogado agenda aluga-se alumínio apartamento armário aspas auto-casa auto-estrada avião | shoulder lawyer appointment book for rent aluminum apartment closet quotation marks motor home freeway airplane | hard shoulder solicitor, barrister diary to let aluminium flat wardrobe speech marks caravan motorway aeroplane |
balas banheiro batas fritas (formato longo) batas fritas (em fatias finas) beringela biscoito, doce bombeiros borracha de apagar | candy lavatory/bathroom french fries potato chips eggplant cookie fire department eraser | sweets toilet chips crisps aubergine biscuit fire brigade rubber |
American ---------------- | British ------------ |
center, theater, liter, fiber realize, analyze, apologize color, honor, labor, odor catalog, dialog jewelry, traveler, woolen skillful, fulfill check curb program specialty story tire pajamas defense, offense, license burned, dreamed smelled, spelled spoiled inquiry skeptical inflection | centre, theatre, litre, fibre realise, analyse, apologise colour, honour, labour, odour catalogue, dialogue jewellry, traveller, woollen skilful, fulfil cheque (bank note) kerb programme speciality storey (of a building) tyre (of a car) pyjamas defence, offence, licence burnt (or burned), dreamt (or dreamed) smelt (or smelled), spelt (or spelled) spoilt (or spoiled) enquiry (or inquiry) sceptical inflexion |
Past Perfect
O past perfect é usado para expressar uma ação que ocorreu no passado antes de uma outra ação ter ocorrido. Esse tempo verbal é marcado pela forma:
Sujeito + had + verbo principal no particípio passado + complemento The movie had already started when I got home yesterday. (O filme já tinha começado quando eu cheguei em casa ontem).
Para a forma negativa basta acrescentar o “not” após o “had”; e para as frases interrogativas, inverter o “had”, colocando-o no início da frase, conforme a tabela abaixo:
Negativa | Interrogativa |
I had not / I hadn’t | Had I…? |
You had not / you hadn’t | Had you …? |
He had not / he hadn’t | Had he…? |
She had not / she hadn’t | Had she…? |
It had not / it hadn’t | Had it…? |
We had not / we hadn’t | Had we…? |
You had not / you hadn’t | Had you…? |
They had not / they hadn’t | Had they…? |
I hadn’t cleaned my bedroom when my mother arrived home this weekend.
(Eu não tinha limpado meu quarto quando minha mãe chegou em casa nesse final de semana).
The game hadn’t started when we got to the stadium.
(O jogo não tinha começado quando nós chegamos ao estádio).
She hadn’t made the dinner when the guests arrived.
(Ela não tinha feito o jantar quando os convidados chegaram).
Modal Verbs
Os verbos modais são verbos distintos dos outros, pois possuem características próprias, como:
- Não precisam de auxiliares;
- Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no infinitivo, só que sem o “to”;
- Não sofrem alteração nas terceiras pessoas do singular no presente. Logo, eles nunca recebem “s”, “es” ou “ies”.
São verbos modais: can (pode), could (poderia), may (pode, poderia), might (pode, poderia),should (deveria), must (deve), ought to (precisa) e used to (costumava).
Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habilidade.
Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de poderia, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu podia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de idade).
Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por favor?).
Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por favor?).
May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos mais formais que o can.
It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no passado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoçar com a gente amanhã).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoçar com a gente amanhã).
Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conselho.
You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médico).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fumar).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fumar).
Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábito do passado.
I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costumava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade).
She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade).
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