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These contractions are only used in dialogue. They are extremely informal. We normally don’t use them in writing, except jokingly or to represent speech. They can be and are used in song titles and lyrics.
It must always be remembered that they represent, and I repeat, only represent, the sound of naturally spoken English. They shouldn’t be used for any other purpose whatsoever. Comic strips and things like that also use these contractions, so if you just happen to be a comic-strip writer in English, go ahead and use them at work. If you want to go ahead and risk using them out of context, OK. You’ll run the risk of appearing a little odd.
There is a distinct difference between them and the normal and acceptable contractions such as I am = I’m; she is = she’s; they have = they’ve; etc.
The contractions which follow could be named as “spoken only” contractions, to differentiate them from the regular ones.
o                                outta = out of
·                                                         The mugger came outta nowhere.
·                                                         O assaltante veio do nada.
·                                                         Get outta here, now!
·                                                         Caia fora, agora!
o                                sunavabitch = son of a bitch
·                                                         Não precisa de exemplo, creio…
·                                                         Filho da p…/da mãe/canalha.
o                                gotcha = got you
·                                                         I’ve gotcha now. You won’t get away.
·                                                         Te peguei! Não vai se safar.
o                                betcha = bet you
·                                                         I betcha we’re gonna be late. (I bet you we are going to be late.)
·                                                         Aposto que vamos atrasar.
o                                gonna = going to
·                                                         I’m gonna do what I please. Nothing can stop me.
·                                                         Vou fazer o que eu quiser. Nada me impedirá.
o                                oughta = ought to
·                                                         They oughta do summink about the traffic.
·                                                         Eles precisam dar um jeito no trânsito.
o                                summink = something
·                                                         Algo
o                                should’ve = should have *
·                                                         Devem
o                                could’ve = could have *
·                                                         Podiam
o                                would’ve = would have *
·                                                         Condicional
o                                shaddup = shut up
·                                                         “Shaddap”, he yelled at the dog.
·                                                         “Cale-se” – gritou para o cachorro.
o                                didja = did you
·                                                         Didja remember to buy some soda?
·                                                         Lembrou-se de comprar refrigerante?
·                                                         “Didja Ever Get One of them Days?” (title of a song by Elvis Presley).
·                                                         “Já Teve um Dia Daqueles?” (título de uma canção de Elvis Presley).
o                                dja/dju = do you
·                                                         Dju/dja wanna cup of coffee ? 
·                                                         Quer um café?
o                                lotta = lot of
·                                                         “Whole Lotta Love” (title of a song by Led Zeppelin).
·                                                         “Muito Amor” (música do Led Zeppelin).
·                                                         “Whole Lotta Shaking Goin’ On” (debut hit number by Jerry Lee Lewis).
·                                                         “Quanta Zoeira Acontecendo” (primeiro sucesso de Jerry Lee Lewis).
o                                helluva = hell of a
·                                                         We had a helluva good time at last night’s party. 
·                                                         Nos divertimos pacas na festa de ontem à noite.
o                                dontcha = don’t you
·                                                         “Dontcha Think It’s Time” (title of an Elvis Presley song).
·                                                         “Não Acha que Está na Hora?” (música de Elvis).
o                                woncha = won’t you
·                                                         Não + verbo no futuro.
o                                gimme = give me
·                                                         “Gimme Some Lovin’” (title of a song by Spencer Davis Group with Steve Winwood).
·                                                         “Me Dê Amor” (título de uma música de Spencer Davis com Steve Winwood).
·                                                         “Gimme Shelter” (song by the Rolling Stones).
·                                                         “Me Dê Abrigo” (canção dos Rolling Stones).
o                                hafta = have to
·                                                         I hafta go.
·                                                         Preciso ir.
o                                wanna = want to
·                                                         “I Wanna Be Your Man” (early hit written by Jagger & Richards and performed by the Beatles).
·                                                         “Quero Ser o Seu Homem” (sucesso escrito por Jagger e Richards e interpretado pelos Beatles).
·                                                         “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” (hit by the Beatles)
·                                                         “Quero Segurar a Sua Mão” (sucesso dos Beatles).
o                                wannabe = want to be
·                                                         He’s a wannabe singer, but he sings flat. Can’t sing in key at all.
·                                                         Ele é um aspirante a cantor, mas canta desafinado. Não sabe cantar afinado.
·                                                                                 Wannabe, como adjetivo, já está incorporado no inglês e é aceito como normal para descrever alguém que pretende algo, apesar de não estar qualificado.
o                                gofer = go for
·                                                         He’s the gofer at the office. He goes for tea, goes for coffee, goes for a sandwich.
·                                                         Ele é o faz-tudo no escritório. Busca chá, café, sanduíche.
·                                                                                 Gofer está se tornando palavra comum.
o                                ain’t = am not/is not/are not
·                                                         I/he/she/you/we/they ain’t feeling too good after eating so much.
·                                                         A gente não está se sentindo bem após ter comido tanto.
·                                                         It ain’t happening.
·                                                         Não está acontecendo.
o                                wimme = with me
·                                                         You comin’ wimme? = Are you coming with me?
·                                                         Vem comigo?
o                                Gotta = Got to
·                                                         It’s late. I’ve gotta go. (I have got to go.)
·                                                         Está tarde. Preciso ir.

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